As I sit on my bed looking at my empty dorm, all my packed bags, and slowly build up the courage to actually check into my flight, I run through my summer here in the city. I began this blog not wanting for it to be a journal. In my opinion, no one should care where I ate lunch on any given day, or which stores I visited day after day. Instead my goal for this blog, was to highlight the most exciting experiences I had this summer.
This goal would have been completely manageable if my schedule stayed the same as when I first arrived. ONE internship on Tuesdays, and Thursdays. This would have left me plenty of time to do absolutely nothing, let along write a couple blog posts each week.
As I mentioned in my first post- I DO NOT do normal. Never have, never will.
So when various opportunities fell into place for me to do THREE internships this summer, I thought to myself..anythings possible, right? Well, anything certainly is possible if you make it a priority. In regards to my list of priorities my internships were number one. When it came to sleep, well that didn't really make the list. To make up for this, leaving my dorm 15 minutes early to stand in a line that would almost make me late for work daily, well that was only beat out by the actual internship on this list.
So as this summer ends I have interned with a lifestyle PR agency and gained wonderful experience on the agency side, I have worked in the corporate marketing/PR setting, and I have also been able to work with event production aiding in the planning and production of a fashion show benefiting cancer research, from start to finish. I helped out with everything from casting models, to choreographing their walking pattern, to working the red carpet. Needless to say I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience that is unforgettable, even if it is not documented on this little blog.
Today when my boss took me to a good-bye lunch he looked at me and said whenever possible you need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations, because it is at that time which you grow the most.
As I look back, I realize I did this countless times this summer starting by just coming to a brand new city where I knew NOONE for three months. Not only did I survive this city, but I now have three internships in three different areas to account for?! I would be crazy to say I have not grown as a person. I believe parts of me have completely transformed, but it does not stop there. This is something that is a continuous process. There will always be senarios you feel uncomfortable in, and there is always room for improvement.
As I dread hauling all 5 of my bags down fourteen floors tomorrow to hail a cab to Queens the home of LaGuardia airport; I look back wondering where the time could have gone, with zero regrets so thankful for the time I was able to spend here in the city, and of course looking forward to a trip back very soon!
until next time...
Don't let your dreams be dreams.