Friday, August 12, 2011

Back to the Motherland..

As I sit on my bed looking at my empty dorm, all my packed bags, and slowly build up the courage to actually check into my flight, I run through my summer here in the city. I began this blog not wanting for it to be a journal. In my opinion, no one should care where I ate lunch on any given day, or which stores I visited day after day. Instead my goal for this blog, was to highlight the most exciting experiences I had this summer.

This goal would have been completely manageable if my schedule stayed the same as when I first arrived. ONE internship on Tuesdays, and Thursdays. This would have left me plenty of time to do absolutely nothing, let along write a couple blog posts each week.

As I mentioned in my first post- I DO NOT do normal. Never have, never will.

So when various opportunities fell into place for me to do THREE internships this summer, I thought to myself..anythings possible, right? Well, anything certainly is possible if you make it a priority. In regards to my list of priorities my internships were number one. When it came to sleep, well that didn't really make the list. To make up for this, leaving my dorm 15 minutes early to stand in a line that would almost make me late for work daily, well that was only beat out by the actual internship on this list.

So as this summer ends I have interned with a lifestyle PR agency and gained wonderful experience on the agency side, I have worked in the corporate marketing/PR setting, and I have also been able to work with event production aiding in the planning and production of a fashion show benefiting cancer research, from start to finish. I helped out with everything from casting models, to choreographing their walking pattern, to working the red carpet. Needless to say I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience that is unforgettable, even if it is not documented on this little blog.

Today when my boss took me to a good-bye lunch he looked at me and said whenever possible you need to put yourself in uncomfortable situations, because it is at that time which you grow the most.

As I look back, I realize I did this countless times this summer starting by just coming to a brand new city where I knew NOONE for three months. Not only did I survive this city, but I now have three internships in three different areas to account for?! I would be crazy to say I have not grown as a person. I believe parts of me have completely transformed, but it does not stop there. This is something that is a continuous process. There will always be senarios you feel uncomfortable in, and there is always room for improvement.

As I dread hauling all 5 of my bags down fourteen floors tomorrow to hail a cab to Queens the home of LaGuardia airport; I look back wondering where the time could have gone, with zero regrets so thankful for the time I was able to spend here in the city, and of course looking forward to a trip back very soon!

 until next time...
Don't let your dreams be dreams.  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Since I have been gone..

Its been a while....

I would not exactly be able to claim the name "Allison Beach" unless I continuously changed my mind. I think I have heard somewhere that the average college student changes their major three times throughout their college career. If your name is Allison Beach, on average you change your mind/major about three times a semester..every semester coming around full circle to the major which you declared you would graduate with ever since the seventh grade.

Always beginning with Fashion Merchandising (always wanted to do PR in the world of fashion..) usually beginning to think of something in the world of health such as health promotion or nursing. I fight a constant internal battle between these two career choices. One being safe always guaranteeing a job and a steady income. The other a little less secure, but something which I am most definitely passionate about.

I wish I could say that these were the only two things I switched my major to at any point in time throughout my college career. Not even close to the truth. I probably have had at LEAST ten different majors, always coming back to Fashion Merchandising..of COURSE!

When I came up to this big city for the summer, there was a fear in me that I may not like it here. This was such a frightening concept for me, because everything I have ever wanted I saw in this city. So many opportunities, so many things to do. I halfway expressed this fear, never ever ever ever expecting that this could actually become reality.

The first few weeks I was absolutely in love with this city. It was a little lonely, but I was sure once I start my internship surely I will meet tons of amazing people, It just takes time. (after all, when do I have issues meeting people??) Well mix that with only working two days a week at my internship (which consisted of 4 girls), and having no roommate. I learned this city can be very lonely, and we all know I don't do well with limited social interaction.

On top of that, my best friends from school paid me a lovely visit. I think my unhappiness here peaked the week before they got here, for a couple different reasons. Probably because I had not been home or seen really anyone close to me in over a month, and at the time I was a little less than happy at my internship. I had an awesome week with my friends, and eventually sent them back south like geese in the wintertime.
Eating NY pizza in chinatown on a random door stoop the night my friends arrived!

The Day they left I had a countdown of the time left until I made my return to Georgia. I was convinced I wanted to move back to Georgia, change my major and take classes to start nursing school after I graduated, and live in GA FOREVER.

The first day back to work was probably the worst day I have had all summer. I literally felt like I was doing useless work, like there wasn't even a point in me being there. That day (no joke) I sat at my computer and stared at it for THREE HOURS, because there was not anything for me to do. I have a major pet peeve of not being busy. So this was a disastrous day.

The very next day at work was probably the best day I had experienced at my internship all summer. This put me in complete question mode. I thought, what if the reason I do not like it here is because I do not exactly know what the people above me do? I figured that was a HUGE possibility, and after that day things just started falling into place.

The following sunday when I had to answer the question "What has your biggest fashion lesson learned been this summer?" The only thing that came to my mind was PERSEVERANCE. Which normally I am pretty good with, but I need to always have that quality. You must have faith that things will eventually turn around and fall into place. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer than you would like.

The fact that I am a HUGE planner does not help my situation AT ALL. I always have to know what I am going to be doing for the next ten years RIGHT NOW. This is a great quality in that I am very motivated, and driven. But it is a horrible quality in that if things do not go according to plan..its no good.

I wish I could say I knew what was coming for the time I have left here in the city. The fact is that I do not, and I need learn to let things fall into place and let life run its course right now. But I guess it never hurts to be prepared.
After all they say "if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans.."

well if nothing else, I'm glad I can give him a chuckle.

<3 Allison

Sunday, June 19, 2011

OH The Things You Will Experience: Throwin' Myself for a Loop..

When I decided to spend the summer in NYC I cannot exactly put into words what I was expecting. I knew it would be an exciting experience I would never forget. But mostly I knew it would be the perfect way to decide if [in the future] I could see myself living in this crazy city. This I am still deciding with a frame of mind that changes as much as Georgia's weather, naturally.

As much as I thought of what I expected; and came up with nothing, I also took a moment to think of what I did not expect..and yet again came up with nothing. But one thing is for sure this past week was the most exciting, exhilarating, and entertaining week I have had since arriving three weeks ago!

So what happened this week that I now know I did  not expect??  

One might say that I was well sort of an interesting child. Spacey, all over the place, unorganized, unaware, unconcerned..just pick one or all of the above and you get a perfect description of my childhood self. I can further this image for you by informing you of the summer my mom was so proud of me that I did not loose anything at the pool for the WHOLE SUMMER that I was presented with the fabulous gift of Briteny Spears "Baby One More Time" CD. An enourmous grand total value of  $9.99 + tax..high rolling.

 [Hopefully point across] I was aware, and really liked the late 90's pop music scene. Obviously Briteny Spears was among my favorites, but she was not alone. Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, The Hanson's, Nsync, 98 degrese, and Backstreet Boys joined Briteny Spears in the category of my music likes.

As for television shows..well my parents refused to allow me to have cable until I was a SENIOR in high school, so obviously I did not watch many TV shows unless they were on FOX, ABC, CBS and one or two other channels we might be able to pick up, if we turned the rabbit ears the correct way and the wind caught the branches of the trees at just the right angle. EVEN then due to a horrendous accident that our remote was involved in..we were VERY lucky if all of those channels had color and were in english. I'm pretty sure that left us with between -3 and 1 channel(s). This usually resulted in my dad watching the Braves game in black and white on the TV, and listening to the announcers on the radio. All of the abouve is a TRUE STORY.  [And you wonder why I think I would have a successful reality show..]

Now, back to this week: As part of my internship, I was asked to help out with an event. A Pamper's event. I was so excited, for I love events of any kind- they fascinate me. The event was the celebration of Pamper's 50th birthday. The company I am interning for did not plan the event (Pampers has its own in-house PR team). They did however, hire the company I work for to organize for celeberities to attend. say what? 

Because this was a Pamper's event there were certain requirements for the celeberities we would choose.
They had to either have a child under 3 OR be pregnant. 

humm..the results??

Yes that would be Drew Lachey, my elementary school dreams coming true
At one point I was asked to keep the Lachey's entertained and comfortable!! 
and Shawn Green football obsession comes true (insert laughter here).. 

but wait, thats not all!

and this would be James Van Der Beek "Dawson" from Dawson's Creek 
( I had to sneak off and pretend I was friends with the people in the neighborhood who had cable to watch..)
and celebrity blogger: Micah Jesse (such a character) 

Ali Landry (Former Miss USA, model & actress and so sweet!) 
This is everyone (Minus James) with some Pampers executives! 

And the coolest part??

My friend Meera, sent me this interview she found on her E Iphone app. This was an interview with Drew Lachey done by E!  at the Pamper's event! It is so exciting to read that and know that was pulled from an event that I was part of! 

I just had such a good week! I hope everyone else out there did too, and remember:

The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams, is you.  "

Until Next time..

<3 Allison

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A night out on the town..

With my senior year of college quickly approaching, I have now lived in two college towns. Both with night lives very different from each other, but both also very fun in themselves.

(yes, I am being dramatic..because I can.)

Statesboro, (not even recognized by spell-check) located in one of the most southern parts of Georgia is an experience in itself. With about four bars all located within about 30 feet from each other, as well as about 50 feet from campus and basically touches the freshman dorm-

(basically supports the evidence that the only thing in Statesboro is Georgia Southern!!)

In Statesboro just by walking through the doors of your favorite bar, you pretty much will be able to see all your friends. Each bar has a particular crowd it reaches, hence most people stick to one bar (the one that fits their style). If you choose not to go to the bar on the weekend chances are, you and all your friends can be found at a house party on the outskirts of [Georgia Southern's] campus. 

I was lucky enough to be a part of this town for a whole year and a half. I made some of the best friends and memories in that little town, But I don't think I was exactly cut out for small town living. I loved my life there, but something was missing. So on a whim I made the decision to transfer to The University of Georgia. 

In Athens there are about double the students, If only that same ratio was true of the bars. I must say, there are way more than just eight. The nightlife in Athens is a bit more well, hoppin'. Here, most times you begin the night with the people you intend to spend the majority of the night with. it is relatively easy to meet up with friends. This is probably due to the fact that Downtown Athens consists of about four streets in which the bars are located.

Now lets fast forward another year and a half and we meet New York City. I have learned There is nothing simple about New york night life.  There is pretty much no option, who you begin with is probably who you are going to end the night with. Bars in NYC are not just located on a few streets that can be walked in ten minutes tops, try about two and a half hours tops. 

While out with my friend last Friday night, one of her coworkers was determined to meet us. Unfortunately he was in Midtown, and we were very far down in the Village (not exactly close). This did not stop him. He was with a friend who had a smart phone which led to the infamous statement "My buddy has a smart phone, and it will lead me to you."
(attempting to use our phones knowledge) 

Needless to say we all got a good laugh out of that one. Well his smart phone never led him to us..but the Map Quest directions he so gracefully stopped in not just any hotel but, [drumroll please..] The Trump Towers for, did the job. Thank goodness the bars here do not close at 2AM or we would have found him just in time to say goodbye! 

Now while we stepped outside the bar, Cakeshop (and yes it is half bar and half bakery--Only in NYC) I found more evidence of the whole "people can tell you are not from here.." My friend Gabbi and were trying to figure out the intersection we were at. This group of three guys smoothly started talking to us (note the sarcasm please). 

While she was on the phone they proceeded to tell me that they could tell I was not from here, because I had an accent. Sorry buddies but I do not think my year and a half stint in south Georgia had me moving to a farm and changing my name to Bobbi Jo. And for some reason I was the only one with an accent. SUPER. Although one foreign characteristics we shared was that we were happy, and smiled. Imagine that - two girls out on a Friday night, smiling. CRAZY THOUGHT. 

Judging by the looks of this picture I saw tonight, NY is trying their hardest to bring a little southern happiness up to the city one northern discounted BBQ sandwich at a time. 

In my opinion I think the reason everyone up here is known to have such a bad attitude can be summed up with just a few observations we made..

We noticed this sign:

But this is what we saw..
shoulder to shoulder crowded!


Apparently NYC believes bars are places for faux zoo's..

and lastly..

This drink was eight dollars..

My conclusion/Moral of the story (I know you are dying to know)?
New Yorkers are upset mostly because to meet up with friends they must pay about $20 for a cab to meet up with friends, and shell out around $40 or more for drinks, once they get to their destination..forcing them to go broke for a night out! 

So to all my Athens friends..don't take the $4 wells for granted..
To all my Statesboro friends..have fun at happy hour! 

<3 Allison 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

In a New York Minute..or Week.

I cannot believe I have already been living in this wonderful city for an entire week! What have I been doing here for seven whole days?? Out of everything I could possibly be doing I bet you wouldn't EVER guess that I have spent my time walking NYC!

Well my friends out there would look at me and say "really Allison? We would expect nothing less."  To put my running/walking habits into perspective the doorman in the lobby downstairs already knows me by first and last name because I'm the girl that is always coming in from a run..true story.

I have truly been amazed at the things I have seen every day on my day long walks, and nightly jogs! How can you walk the same route every day and see different things each time? Well simple..its NEW YORK CITY! Thats why!

So while wandering the streets of New York in the past seven days, I thought I would compile a list of the lessons which I have learned..I know you are excited, listen up...

Seven Days of Learning..

These people can tell you aren't from here.

This lady in particular was stoping people to ask for donations to save Planned Parenthood. I cannot tell you how many people in the first two days I was stopped by, begging me to make a donation or buy something ridiculous. They can just tell you are not from New York. If you were you would be fleeing away from them..check out exhibit A in the picture. 

(side note this picture was taken in Greenwich favorite place in the city by far!!)

One guy was so desperate for me to save all of Africa, he told me I dropped my smile on the ground..and then made me listen to his 30 minute spiel on why I should save Africa..

OBVI, I smartened up and now walk quickly with my head down..

Pedestrian Signals mean nothing

This picture, taken while there was a red STOP hand displayed on the crossing signal. I learned very quickly that if you wait for the little man to appear to walk, it is basically like wearing a camera around your neck. Everyone will know you are not from here. So you must use those imperative skills of "looking both ways" you learned when you were five, and make a run for it run for your life. And hope you are not seconds from getting plowed over by an ambulance like me and one of my newfound friends (thats right, I'm making friends) had the pleasure of experiencing! 

A good honk is worth A LOT of money

If you have ever been to New York, if someone just the mentions the city you can hear non stop honking ..which is the reason I was surprised so see these signs posted all over the city. When I looked into this further, and read an article about it, I learned you can also get fined for changing a flat tire on the side of the road..we all know I'd be SOL

Tourists really ARE everywhere

This was the coolest little house on a side street just past times square. It had these little statues of golfers all around the porch. I saw many people snapping pictures, so of course I tap one of them on the shoulder and simply ask them, "Do you know what this is?" 

(one would think that since so many of them are snapping away at least ONE of them would have some kind of idea what they were taking a picture of, one would think.) 

The world really is much smaller than you think and random roommates can be a good thing

I was all alone in this HUGE two bedroom dorm (note the sarcasm please..) for almost two days until my roommate strolls in. My friends from school would be glad to know, the next night she had me at a sports bar watching the basketball games (finals?). 

We met up with some girls she went to high school with. While conversing with one of them I find out one of the girls is actually interning with me! If thats not a small world, please let me know what is! :)

and finally..

NO trip to target is worth the last stop on a Brooklyn bound subway train..

Even if it is this big and has three floors, elevators big enough for your shopping cart, and separate escalators for your shopping carts! 

If you need more details..?

It can be summed up with the ever so scary feeling of a stranger on the subway getting angry with you, because he did not hear you tell him this is the stop he should get off at. As if that would be my fault..

never again..alone at least! 

So now I finalize my outfit selection for my first day as an intern! 
wish me luck, cross your fingers, and say a little prayer, as I prepare for my first day taking on the REAL WORLD!! 

<3 Allison 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Not All Who Wander Are Lost.

So..don't worry I landed and Im safe in the NYC! So I some how managed to transport all 5 bags (3 checked bags and 2 carry-ons that should NOT have been classified as such) from the LaGuardia Airport which is WAY on top of the upper west side around 116th street ALL THE WAY to my dorm located at 9th street!!! Anyone who knows me in the least knows that this is a HUGE accomplishment.

  all of my bags crammed into my "closet" the day I arrived!!
..I prefer to call it my "hole in the wall"

What is even more of an accomplishment is going on my fifth day (..thats right FIFTH) I can honestly say  I have yet to become lost..and not once have I brought a map with me! Actually believe it or not I have helped many people get around this city! Who would have thought?!

Since I do not start my internship until Monday, I have been exploring all the areas accessible to me within walking distance. I have seen so many interesting things. Of corse I have traveled up and down fifth avenue looking at all the beautiful window displays..I could spend days on end doing this. And I have done the opposite of this..walking up and down Canal Street looking at all the un-airconditioned crammed spaces. Basically I have spent the past five days wandering aimlessly around the city, trying to take it all in!

Of course kate spade is around the corner from my internship!
..what an awesome window!

It may be a stretch to say I have absolutely fallen in love with this city since I've been here, so I'll play it safe and say I'm definitely lustin' on da BIG APPS!!

How could you not with a closet SO huge??? 
Reason 1 of 1 why its at a lust
(i'm not bitter AT ALL :))

Don't take your big walk in closets for granted! Those of us in New York are rationed closet space!!

<3 Allison

Two Hands in the Air for the Big City!

Everyone Knows I can't do anything normal. Nothing normal ever happens to me..and ridiculous things always come my way. Going on with this, it would only be fitting for my goals and dreams to adhere to the same conditions. 

Ever since I can remember I have wanted to move to the city. I could just see myself in the busy streets running around from meeting to meeting with so much to do all the time. It's so crazy how three years  flew by. I feel like just yesterday I was moving into my first apartment, getting ready for my freshman year of college. 

Ohh if I could do them over...(KIDDING- kinda..but really). I am so confident that every thing that has happened to me has happened for a specific reason. I know I have learned some of the most important lessons of my life in the past three years. And I have met some of the most interesting and important people who have made an enormous impact on my life and me as a person (good or bad). 

So reflecting on this, I decided of course I must go BIG or go HOME! Big as in NEW YORK CITY and home as in CUMMING. Seeing as the last summer I spent in Cumming does not exactly contain the fondest memories, I decided to go BIG, DUH (I know hard decision). 

As usual I put all rational thinking aside. Last Sunday my five suitcases and I, left Cumming and moved to the big NYC for three months!! 

New Yorkers aren't nice? They care enough to give their guests a Welcome sign at least!!! 
+ 1 Point for NY! 

View from the Plane! SO pretty! 

I can not even express how excited I am! BUT...

I sure am going to miss all my best friends!!! 

And family! And who knows when I get back, I may even look like my age!! 

But still, I can not even express how excited I am. I know the summer is going to fly by. I am in a completely different environment from anything I am or have ever been used to. I know I am going to learn and grow so much as a person. 

So turn your cant's into cans and your dreams into plans! 
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, and live the life you have imagined! 

<3 Allison.