So..don't worry I landed and Im safe in the NYC! So I some how managed to transport all 5 bags (3 checked bags and 2 carry-ons that should NOT have been classified as such) from the LaGuardia Airport which is WAY on top of the upper west side around 116th street ALL THE WAY to my dorm located at 9th street!!! Anyone who knows me in the least knows that this is a HUGE accomplishment.
..I prefer to call it my "hole in the wall"
What is even more of an accomplishment is going on my fifth day (..thats right FIFTH) I can honestly say I have yet to become lost..and not once have I brought a map with me! Actually believe it or not I have helped many people get around this city! Who would have thought?!
Since I do not start my internship until Monday, I have been exploring all the areas accessible to me within walking distance. I have seen so many interesting things. Of corse I have traveled up and down fifth avenue looking at all the beautiful window displays..I could spend days on end doing this. And I have done the opposite of this..walking up and down Canal Street looking at all the un-airconditioned crammed spaces. Basically I have spent the past five days wandering aimlessly around the city, trying to take it all in!
Of course kate spade is around the corner from my internship!
..what an awesome window!
It may be a stretch to say I have absolutely fallen in love with this city since I've been here, so I'll play it safe and say I'm definitely lustin' on da BIG APPS!!
How could you not with a closet SO huge???
Reason 1 of 1 why its at a lust
(i'm not bitter AT ALL :))
Don't take your big walk in closets for granted! Those of us in New York are rationed closet space!!
<3 Allison
I love you! Glad you successfully did your 1st blog post without my help! :) Skype me soon.